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The distinctive pandemic effect according to technology and innovation.

Nowadays, while the world is going through a massive health crisis, humankind has learned to stand together and participate with every tool they have to help get through this pandemic together.

COVID-19 may be having a devastating impact on our industries, economy, and social lives, but it is also prompting an outpouring of creativity in other areas. Organizations are testing and deploying different technologies and developing new ones to help speed up the process of winning this battle against the fast-spread virus.

3D printing helped a lot during the pandemic. As both designers and engineers were put together hand in hand to print face shields, ventilator parts, and nasopharyngeal swabs. Which later on, after performing several clinical trials, played a huge part in scaling up healthcare and medical performances.

Moreover, 3D printing was only the beginning. As we’ve witnessed different innovative gadgets and smart products, which showed the limitless potential and creativity of entrepreneurs.

Starting from a rapid-testing kit with a companion app. which gives approximate results of infection in 15 minutes and can display the result on the app. To a light-weighted portable air purifier that can eliminate the germs on any surface and disinfect any area. This product mainly helped in big surfaces such as hospitals, businesses, and schools.

Many other departments used the help of the new technology. Using a face scan, the technology would detect the temperature of any person entering the building and read their forehead temperature, and send a notification to the manager if it detects a fever.

Over time, reports of human ingenuity in the difficult times of adversity have provided our nations a welcome glimmer of light. A light that shed on many brand-new innovations that topped the bar. In addition to a great innovative train of technologies, however, we have witnessed a great negative impact on the economy and the great industries worldwide.

But with every difficult time we pass by, humankind never seizes to stand by and to impress.

That’s why here in KPMC Biotech We go beyond biotech. We work on developing an innovative way to diffuse the necessary solutions that allow us to save labor costs, products and increase the effectiveness of the healthcare process. We give to inspire, and to impress.


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